The Worlds Worst Boss -
Might Be YOU.
Well i'm sure that's not true really;
But if we spoke to our employees -
The way most people speak internally:
People would leave in droves !
This Thread is to uplift your self talk;
...And what I tell myself every single day:
1. The Most Important Conversation:
(you will ever have)
...Is the one that you have with yourself:
And I initially wrote my 'Daily Constants'
-for that exact reason:
I ask these 5 Questions every single day...
2. What Is Most Important To Me?
Notice it doesn't say -
'What i feel like doing the most'
As what is most necessary - As a 'lever mover'
Isn't necessarily always the same thing.
But will always impact progress the most.
2. Where Must I Raise My Standards?
Comfortability is the enemy -
Of progress and of growth.
I move myself away from mediocrity,
By asking this every time I wake.
If you do so - you will improve exponentially.
3. What Fear Must I Eliminate?
If your not slightly scared -
Your probably not pushing hard enough.
And the way to do so -
Is to get out of your comfort zone.
You can always step back in it anyway...
4. Where Must I Focus?
-In order to be my best, authentic,
happiest and most successful self?
It's the very first question,
I ever wrote - all those years ago.
And based my entire model around.
5. Which Emotional Element Needs Elevating?
There are 10 emotional components:
As I see it - for a well rounded existence:
Love, Gratitude, Positivity,
Joy, Flow, Growth,
Determination, Intent, Health,
And adding Value in other peoples lives.
6. Average People Ask These Infrequently:
Masters ask all these Q's every single day.
I do so upon waking. Which to focus on?
I have done since I wrote them;
And will do for the rest of my entire life...
7. They Are Yours If You Want Them?
Or perhaps you already have your own...
I would love to hear them !
And if you share yours,
We can all level up together 📈
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Michael Masters (@Info_Architect)
Helping you Master the Elements of Mindset, Coaching, Content Creation, Writing and Personal Branding.
By Bulletproofing Brains, Businesses and Bank Balances.