On a Bike, you need to look much further ahead.
And predict the bends and curves.
That's the road of life as I see it...
A lot of people just drive blindly onwards, kind of like being on autopilot...
Damn, the cars even drive themselves if you buy one of Elon's models.
You don't have to have a passion for Motorcycling to gain something valuable from it's lessons either.
And they are just as applicable in Business as in Life.
That's my view.
Yea, there is the obvious one about balance.
After all, its not ALL about work...
But more than that, its about vision. And thrills.
In a Car, its different;
On a Bike, you need to look much further ahead.
And predict the bends and curves and undulations.
And the road surface makes a difference as well.
See that as your very own road. Your own path in life.
A lot of people just drive blindly onwards, almost not even thinking about the next corner.
Do that on a Bike and your dead !
Same for having a Job really. It may drive you forward towards a salary;
But it will never provide the rush of uncapped earnings and the potential for freedom that a Business can...
Just like a Car will never provide the same feeling of freedom and exhilaration as a Bike will !
No right or wrong...
There's a lot of Car drivers in this world, and the road is wide enough for both types of vehicles.
Both will get you from A to B.
But the Bike will get you there much faster.
You can beat the traffic and (in my opinion)
Have a lot more fun along the way too.
Are you going to be a Car driver or a Bike Rider in life?
You can even be both if you want to...
Only you can decide.
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