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FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real

FEAR = False. Evidence. Appearing. Real !

It seems fitting as I reposted my Ebook to talk more about how we can all;

Slay the worry and conquer the fray, triumph awaits to light our way! ✨

Lets level up. Conquer your fears with Mike.

LETS GO ! 🧠💪#MasterYourFear

F = False 🤥

Ever find yourself convinced that the worst-case scenario is the only outcome?

That's the "False" in FEAR, where our mind plays tricks, making us believe in threats that aren’t actually present.

Gotta overcome it my people: Mikes got you covered:

Next time fear grips you, pause and methodically examine the reality of the threat. You will almost certainly find that your perception is based off of highly unlikely worst case scenarios. 👻

Coaching Question:

"What specific evidence do I have that supports this fear, and how much of it is conjecture or assumption?"

This question encourages a reality check, helping to differentiate between fact and fiction. 🕵️‍♂️ #FactCheckYourFears

E = Evidence 🧐

You know, ive seen it hundreds of time with my work with clients and even in my own life.

Our minds often collect a series of bad experiences as "Evidence" to support irrational fears.

A bit like one of those Panini sticker albums that we used to collect as little kids.

(or is that just a UK thing???)

Like a deceptive highlight reel that only shows the fouls, not the wins.

Overcome it kids. Heres how:

We need to actively seek out and remember instances when things went well, not just the times they didn’t.

We spoke about this yesterday in my Coaches Corner series if you remember.

Coaching Question:

"Can I identify instances when similar fears proved groundless?"

By recalling past successes, you challenge the validity of the negative evidence your mind gathers and also often come up that way with better and more empowering alternatives and strategies. People I work with 1-1 go through an entire Mastery Module with me on this one.

You can find some more of them within my free 9447 word ebook pinned to the top of my page. (I know, shameless plug alert) 🎩✨ #MagicOfMind

A = Appearing 🎭

Fear is great at dramatic appearances, making small issues seem insurmountable.

Sometimes though It’s like mistaking a shadow for a monster, both are merely forms of light and dark.

That's not to say it always feels like it at the time. But the way i always frame it - is that every fear we have ever felt we have lived through. And once surmounted it can only actually ever make us much stronger. Mikes got you people !

Overcome it: Reframe or downsize the fear in your imagination to manage it better. A key question that i always ask my clients is the following:

Coaching Question: "What is the actual size of this obstacle, and how have I dealt with similar situations successfully before?"

This helps in reducing fear to its true proportions, helps put hings back into perspective and also (alongside many other techniques which I take people through more thoroughly) can be the catalyst to facing and reframing our fears into much more manageable stages. 😆 #ShrinkTheFear

R = Real 🌍

The "Real" part of FEAR can seem tangible but is often just our reaction to perceived dangers.

Like mistaking the sound of a backfiring car for a gunshot, our senses can deceive us.

But that's not to downplay its importance.

Remember though fear is essentially a hormonal reaction and adrenal response which will pass.

Its pretty hard to be fearful if you are thinking of something funny for example or experienced a feeling of love.

(Pattern Interrupts as they are known as are another topic which I will talk more with you about in a consequent latter post this week)

Overcome it: Engage in mindfulness practices to stay grounded in the present, where fears often dissolve.

Once calmer you can begin to tackle them more easily.

Coaching Question: "What sensations am I currently feeling, and what do these tell me about my actual situation?"

Focusing on the here and now can effectively counteract baseless fears. 🧘‍♂️ #BeHereNow


So there we have it friends...FEAR = False. Evidence. Appearing. Real.

Told you that Mike has got you covered.

Let's summarize the main points from each of the "FEAR" breakdown sections right now shall we?

Main Points:

F = False 🤥Fear often tricks us into believing in non-existent threats.

Action: Verify the reality of the threat when fear strikes.

Coaching Question: "What evidence supports this fear?"

E = Evidence 🧐Our mind collects negative experiences to validate irrational fears.

Action: Recall past successes to counteract this biased highlight reel.

Coaching Question: "When have my fears turned out to be unfounded?"

A = Appearing 🎭Fear exaggerates minor issues into major crises.

Action: Reframe or minimize the fear.

Coaching Question: "What is the real size of this obstacle?"

R = Real 🌍Fear feels tangible but often isn’t grounded in reality.

Action: Practice mindfulness to discern true threats.

Coaching Question: "What are my current sensations telling me about this situation?"

Conquered the FEAR breakdown?

Don't just sit there triumphant, celebrate your new mastery over the mind's mirages by giving Mike a Like or a Retweet. Hell you can even Follow if you want to. I promise that I wont stop you !

Arm yourself with these insights and charge forward, turning 'False Evidence Appearing Real' into 'Face Everything And Rise.'

Ready to slay the day with a fearless smile? 😎✨

Lets get Friday popping !

Yours, 💘

Michael Masters - The Info Architect


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