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How To Get Far By Raising The Bar

We all know that working to eliminate anything that is not good for us is important. In the body, in the mind. Anything that does not make us ultimately feel great.

Its easy to talk about but not so much so to realize always in practice though is it?

But today, by virtue of focusing on where we can improve, and practical actionable methods in which to do so, I will share how I have leveled up countless Clients lives over the last twenty years via one very powerful question and concept. (And some of the very deep associated questions that I would ask you and guide you through if we were talking in person)

To sum up the essence of what this is: A micro session will never be what to expect in real life - of course. So see this as the Trailer rather than the 'Full Movie.

But to learn from our mistakes and our difficult experiences thoughts or emotions is the essence of why I wrote this today.

And to use our 'pain' as our power to set new standards for ourselves to do better in any aspect of your life in which you so choose.

So bookmark this page, grab yourself a Coffee and get ready for some serious introspection with Michael Masters.

So firstly my friends, a question: Well a number of very important ones actually...

Where in your life may you have you told yourself that;

‘it’s alright.’ (But you know it’s not really?)

What can you no longer accept in your life from this day onwards, if you were answering absolutely truthfully? Would it be your effort, yourself belief, your bank balance?

What higher standards would you hold yourself accountable to if you HAD TO?

What MUST change?

What standards must you raise of your own expectations on yourself?

What is no longer good enough? IF YOU WANT TO BE THE BEST?

Only you know your real current effort levels.

Where you must raise yours?

What have you been ‘going through the motions’ at? With whom?

At what? As a Content Creator, as a Coach, as a Business owner or even with your loved ones?

If we commit to step things up to the next level and raise those standards higher. Everything changes in an instant.

And hey there is a big difference between reading an Article like this or actually taking action on it.

Both are of course fine, and this isn't going to be for everybody. It isn't designed to be anyway.

However, if you are still reading this, then frankly I already know that you are not aiming for average results, so the average amount of action is never going to be enough for you either.

And for that in itself I salute you.

The average thought patterns are not going to be enough to get you exceptional results. Do not settle!

Motivate yourself to make the extra effort, the extra push to move that little bit closer to mastery each and every day.

In your thinking, in your behaviour, in your enjoyment of this life.

Whatever it might be. Expect more from yourself from this day on. And make that decision a conviction.

Use pain and pleasure to both motivate you towards what you do desire to have, do or become and away from whatever it is that you don’t want. What you will no longer accept.

Take it up a level and then double it.

Raising standards is all about growing as a person and committing to this process of continual learning. It is to the refinement and to the raising of our own standards as we grow and evolve in line with our highest values. It is a choice that only we can make.

So detailing and exploring what serves to become our new personal ‘minimum standard’ will help us raise the bar on our own expectations of ourselves. So set them high.

We all know deep down that something needs to change inside of us in order to propel us to take different actions, in order to get different results.

Only we really know the effect that our cumulative actions, thoughts, feelings, behaviours and experiences that we have gone through have emotionally meant to us. However, every single one of the things on that list has led you to this exact very second right now. The very second that you can decide to raise your standards forever. To never go back.

Your results are your results. Even your so called, bad ones. You can’t hide from this fact. But you can learn from each and every one of them. You can adjust your attitude in a manner that only ever moves you forward. That reframes things differently. That expects and demands better. From yourself.

So what must change from this day onwards? What will you decide to level up?

If your action, thought, feeling or behaviour is not taking you closer towards your goal then that behaviour, thought or feeling is part of the problem and not part of the solution. It must be eliminated. Eliminated by facing the fear behind it and setting yourself a higher standard of expectation and determination.

Never negate the power of compound returns: Consider the incredible effectiveness focussing on incremental but consistent improvements over time.

What is a standard anyway?

‘a level of quality or attainment.’

‘used or accepted as normal or average.’

‘normal or average.’

We don’t want to be normal or average do we!

Don’t be standard. Be special. Be you.

Think big. Think BIGGER.

Are you going to decide to stray away from the ‘average?’ I hope so.

What type of behaviors are we are willing to accept from ourselves? From other people? What is acceptable and what is unacceptable to you? Once you recognize and accept that our own, self-created rules you are then ready to effectively examine your standards. The baseline for what you find acceptable. So where are your current standards?

From our friends, from our family, to somebody we have only ever spoken once to. Our current ‘rule’ tells us that when X happens we do Y. We react in a certain way. We have a rule for absolutely everything.

Raising our standards then, is about recognizing and amending these self-created ‘rules’ in ways that make the game of life easier to win. It is about focusing on what is the most USEFUL way to react to any given situation we come across.

Not always the way you want to react or even immediately react. But the most USEFUL.

Raising standards is about not accepting yesterday's outcomes as adequate. It’s about opening yourself up to what you REALLY want and recognizing honestly what you need to work on. Its feeling and knowing that before was not really good enough. Then it is about going for it hell for leather. Like you couldn't fail.

With no excuses and with massive, consistent action. It’s about leveling up your dream to what you REALLY want that will propel you towards it. What if you absolutely knew that you could achieve it?

Friendships, with contribution, with mental health, physical health, identity. Love who you are, learn from the best (other already successful people) and then put your own unique individual twist on things. Add value to others lives and simultaneously your own as you learn and grow and evolve cooperatively. And if your aren't exactly certain how to do that -

Mikes got you covered.

Raising your standards is also about adding value.

Adding value to your beliefs as well as to the world.

How? By focusing on the right things.

Garner evidence for what it is that you are moving towards accomplishing. What you do want to experience more of. What you focus on you will find.

Want to have more success in business? Make a better business. You want to have better lessons? Level up what you learn to make it a better lesson. Want to have better relationships? Level up what type of person YOU are. Take the power back.

Where must you raise your standards as a person this week? Today? Over the next five years? Before you die?

‘My commitment today to you all is to continue to add value to my own and others’ lives for as long as I am able to. To evolve as a person and to make better distinctions based on my cumulative knowledge and experiences each and every day. To rise that little bit higher. To give more. To be more.’

And I promise that I shall not falter. So far it has been 49 days for me here on X. I have written 5491 posts and already witnessed a gathering community of dedicated and appreciated people who I treasure and remain committed to supporting in every way in which I am able to.

So until next time friends, when I look forward to connecting again with each of you.

Stay positive, stay focused and stay building.

Michael Masters - The Info Architect


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Michael Masters (@Info_Architect)

Helping you Master the Elements of Mindset, Coaching, Content Creation, Writing and Personal Branding.

By Bulletproofing Brains, Businesses and Bank Balances.


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