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Its A Bargain - Win-Win And Finding Black Swans

Ready To Negotiate Like A Pro? 🚀

Dang, I have negotiated a LOT over 20+ yrs!

But I bow in admiration to this guy.

He is former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss.


Heres 10 Must-Know Principles to raise the game.

(+ A sprinkling of Mike Masters Magic)🧠

🎯 Tactical Empathy: Your Secret Weapon

I am currently in the process of finishing a long-form version of this post, +more of my own tactics

Here's the first truth.

Its all about winning respectfully.

Not softly.

It’s not about being nice either, it’s about influence🧠💡

Mirroring and Matching:

If you want to get inside someones head,

firstly you need to establish rapport with them.

Mirror and match their body language and tonality.

Put yourself inside their mind... 🧠

But the art is in the subtlety and the intent:


Labeling: Identify and Validate

We dont have to agree but we do need to verbalize, respect and reflect our counterparts feelings:

“It sounds like you’re telling me X...”

This builds trust and shows an attempt to understand them, opening up dialogue. 👂❤️

No is an Opportunity:

"No" isn't a dead end.

In fact I love it because it allows to adsress the REAL objections under the surface.

Use it to uncover true objections and navigate to "yes."

I reframe rejection as a chance to always learn more. 🚫➡️📈

Accusation Audit:

You can disarm with honesty this way and also preemptively address other hidden concerns too.

“It seems to me, you might be thinking that...”

Proving your understanding and verbalizing the unsaid actually builds credibility. 📝🕊️

Calibrated Questions: Control the Flow

And when doing this, its to key to use open-ended questions starting with “What” or “How.”

They are what will keep the conversation moving and ultimately empower you to also gain control. 🤔🔄

The Power of Silence: Less is More

After making your point, its tempting to talk more if things are strained. REFRAIN !

Stay silent ans sit with it.

Let the other person process and respond.

Silence can be your strongest ally. 🤫💭

Win-Win Mindset:

Avoid Compromise. Thats still a win-lose.

Trust Mr Masters (and Chris)

We absolutely must not settle for splitting the difference.

Aim for solutions that satisfy both parties without unnecessary concessions. 🤝🎯

The Late-Night FM DJ Voice:

I used to talk more rapidly than a UK rapper when I was nervous. Never in negotiations...

Stay Calm and Speak S-l-o-w-l-y

and calmly in tense situations. This soothes and reassures the other person, making them more receptive. 📻😌

Anchoring: Set the Tone Early

When it comes to the money: 💰

Start with an assertive, high number or strong statement. Seriously, let them 'knock you down.'

Real Talk.

It sets the stage and influences how the other party perceives the negotiation. 🎣🔢


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