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Keys To Success In The Creator Economy

Passion and Purpose.

The REAL Keys To Success In The Creator Economy

We have been lied to by the 'Gurus' -

Well not lied to exactly but convinced, that all we need to do is settle on a topic, write some articles and then press send...

Then that lovely Wi-Fi money will flood into our inboxes in a raging torrent of digital cash !


Well, no actually. Wrong. Well it wont, for a little while at least.

(sorry, but its the truth)

Keep reading - the news is actually very bright !

So saying that, let me also caveat my statement by also saying that it absolutely CAN.

(and will, if you follow mine and other trusted sources advise)

But only AFTER building genuine and sustained interest, skills and abilities, alongside having a large, viable audience, as well as providing an exceptional product or service.

Rome was not built in a day. So keep building...

And today let me respectfully remind us all, that there is a factor even more important than money, that we all need to decide upon first, before any of the above is ever likely to happen...

Following our passion through our content.

Thats what its all about as I see it.

The first and most important bridge to cross.

In fact, we all hear and read so much information these days on brand building and the ‘business’ of content creation, (from myself included) it made me feel obliged to write this content piece as a gentle reminder of what is even more important than money.

And don't get me wrong, the money is there for you, and your are magnetizing it towards yourself every time that you tweet!

The Creator Economy is already valued at 156 Billion dollars and is only set to grow.

So whilst the theme being, of course we all need to make money from what we are doing, myself included, its important and vital as well, but a content creation business built solely on the pursuit of profit will only ever get you so far.

And whilst the foundational component is always based and built around the nucleus of productizing our skills, interests and passions - lets take a moment today to also remember the one vital ingredient that money can never buy. Passion !

In fact make that two. Passion and a powerful purpose.

Even the most prolific content creator has the odd bad day. (Yep, even Mr Masters included) and in my IRL business, one of the strands which brings in the money is that I also write for businesses.

Whilst interesting (usually) it isnt always the most stimulating of endeavors. But it does help to;

A: Kick the wolf away from the metaphorical door, and

B: Continually hone my skills as a writer and communicator.

So I also encourage you all to consider doing so as well - especially as you are working towards productizing your real passions, through the creation of your own personal brand and associated content ecosystem.

Its a topic that i will talk about at a latter juncture and time for anybody who is interested.

Thats a topic which I have some exciting developments for you soon around in general actually (you will be the first to know of course) and in the meantime, lets meander back to the reason behind why i wrote this featured content.

The real key to success:

And it really is the fire that we have inside us. To share and to explain and to love the subjects that we talk about - and then match them to our audience in a way that is both captivating, educational and entertaining.

So yes, you will see me talking about coaching and mindset a lot. (After all, bullet proofing our self belief goes hand in hand with whatever else we shall do, and when it comes to content creation itself.) And of course you already know my output is prolific.

But the real differentiating success factor which i have seen time and time again, and in my conversations with large accounts and established creators is this:

Success lies in the level of passion of which we have for our topics. And mine get me out of bed early and keep me awake late each and every dang day.

So as we all continue and build and learn, let us all take a moment to consider.

Exactly WHY we are working so hard to actually achieve all of this?

So if its only for the money, sorry folks that will only get you so far.

And if the passion and fire are strong enough. It will take a nation of millions to hold us back.


Michael Masters - The Info Architect

Lets GO !


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Michael Masters (@Info_Architect)

Helping you Master the Elements of Mindset, Coaching, Content Creation, Writing and Personal Branding.

By Bulletproofing Brains, Businesses and Bank Balances.


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