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Solidify Habits And Bulletproof Beliefs

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The idea that it takes 66 days to form a habit comes from a 2009 study by Dr. Phillippa Lally.

It found that, on average, it takes 66 days for a behavior to become automatic.

Interested in bulletproofing belief even faster?

Lets explore the ways to do so.

1. 🧠 Want To Speed Up Your Success?

Everybody needs a powerful WHY to Work.

Anchor your goals with strong emotion!

The brain LOVES meaning.

Marry your action plan to what truly matters, and watch your progress accelerate.

The catalyst? Emotional intent! 💥

2. 🎯 66 Days To Form A Habit?

Challenge accepted! But why wait?

Anything repeatedly focused on:

Hacks your brain with the pain and pleasure principle.

Associate massive pain with inaction & intense pleasure with progress.

Instant motivation is always on tap! 🚀

So decide:

3. New To The Game? 🕹️

Make your brain your biggest ally.

Define the why behind your hustle.

The stronger the emotional connection, the quicker the habits form.

Emotion = Energy Motion Accelerator.

Your future self will thank you! 🧠💪

4. 🧠 Bulletproof Your Belief System

-By mastering the pain & pleasure principle!

Visualize the pain of staying stuck and the joy of breaking through.

Your brain will do the rest.

(When followed with ACTION)

Welcome to your new reality! 💡

5. Ready To Rock? 🤘

Every action counts, but the emotions behind them fuel the fire!

Tie your goals to deep-seated desires.

The stronger the pull, the faster the results.

Don't just do -FEEL ! 💥

6. Want To Make Habits Stick Faster Than Glue? 🧠

Focus on your emotional WHY.

The more vividly you employ your senses.

The more rapidly your warp your reality.

Marrying action with emotion is the ultimate cheat code. LFG

Turn your hustle into a habit before you know it! 🚀

7. New Habits In 66 Days?

Maybe less in my experience...

Try this: focus on what you’ll GAIN instead of what you’ll LOSE extremely intensely.

Both are key. But Emotional intent amplifies action.

The pain of staying the same vs. the pleasure of growth, habit forming fuel!🧠🔥

8. Its A Game Of Growth Or Entropy

To change your life - change this thing first right -🧠

And we all have access to the world greatest supercomputer.

What a gift it truly is !

So level up your life habit by habit. Action by action.

And thought by thought.

Stay building peeps!


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Michael Masters (@Info_Architect)

Helping you Master the Elements of Mindset, Coaching, Content Creation, Writing and Personal Branding.

By Bulletproofing Brains, Businesses and Bank Balances.


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