How Thinking Differently Is The Differentiation:
Very little I have ever done has been conventional...
From treating clients like family,
To creating my own coaching model.
Innovation is often counter intuitive. Lets discuss how:
1. Rethink Success: The Power of Contradiction
Much of what worked for me -
Came from embracing unconventional thinking.
Success doesn’t come from a single “right” answer;
it’s born from testing varied strategies -
2. Don’t Design for Average: Seek the Extremes
How? I settled on focusing on outliers.
I work with people, willing to do what others -
Usually wouldn't often commit to. But it worked.
Which is why they gained uncommon results...
3. Logic Won’t Make You Stand Out
If everyone is being logical, you blend in.
Breaking from convention finds opportunities others overlook.
It’s not about being irrational, but about questioning “logical” norms.
4. Attention Shapes Experience:
How experiences are perceived - is the key.
Whether it's your product or service,
Shift, control and exceed those expectations,
And the experience becomes outstanding.
5. Perception Over Reality:
Customers don’t always buy the best product;
They buy the best overall experience...
A simple shift in how something is presented -
Can elevate it from forgettable to exceptional.
6. Progress Isn’t Always Logical
Not all solutions follow a strict path.
Solopreneurs should create space;
-for random exploration,
Unexpected innovations yield the greatest rewards.
7. Test the Weird: Gain A Competitive Edge
Being unconventional offers significant advantages.
Most solopreneurs fear deviating from rationality,
-But small, bold experiments unlock massive gains.
Test counterintuitive ideas, and differentiate instantly.
8. Rationality Is One Tool, Don’t Overuse It
Solving problems through rationality alone wont work.
Solopreneurs need a broader approach,
Considering emotions, and unconventional incentives,
Inspiring action and long-term loyalty.
9. Dare To Be Trivial: Small Changes, Big Results
Small adjustments can create profound impact.
Like dual commitment contracts or bespoke sessions.
These small interventions can yield larger outcomes.
Even changing a tagline or a logo can do it though...
10. Questions That Seem Dumb Are Genius
Don’t be afraid to ask “stupid” questions.
They often uncover blind spots others overlook.
Solopreneurs who challenge basic assumptions;
Open doors to solutions that no one else considered.
11. So The Question Becomes...
How or what are you doing in your business?
- That creates a unique offer or experience?
I called my clients daily. As many times as needed.
What will you implement in order to stand out?
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