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The Art Of Casting Wide Nets, vs. Sharpening One Spear.

So, you’re Offer or many?

And whether you decide to hone an irresistible one,

or craft multiple to cater to various audiences.

Both strategies have their pro's and cons.

Let’s break it down.

1. The Power Of One:

First let's examine both options pro's and con's:

Having just one offer streamlines brand identity.

You become laser-focused and hyper targeted.

It’s far simpler managing one project - BUT...

2. The Many Offer Approach Can Be Magic.

Having multiple Offers puts less of your -

'eggs in one basket.'

By appealing to broader and diverse audiences.

More Offers means more ways to engage.

3. The Focus Factor:

But one good Offer is better than 10 average ones.

You know exactly what you’re selling, and your audience knows exactly what they’re getting.

It’s less work for your marketing, less confusion for your audience, and more brand clarity overall.

4. Dilution Danger:

If you have many offers, be careful to be coherent.

Building one at at time well is always better.

Or risk becoming mediocre rather than exceptional.

It’s easy to lose focus when juggling multiples.

5. One Offer Keeps You Lean:

One offer means one streamlined process.

You’ll reduce complexity and keep costs down,

Avoiding the constant tweaking multiples require.

The smoother your process, the easier to scale.

6. But If You Do Run Multiple Related Offers -

Think of it as McDonald’s asking,

"Do you want to supersize that?"

Create easy upsells that complement.

Or a ladder approach to higher-tier Offers...

7. Unique Selling Point Dilemma

It depends on whether you want to -

Dominate one lane, or solve a variety of problems.

One unique Offer is better than multiple generic ones.

8. Personal Connection:

Regardless of how many offers you have,

It's the connections you make with your customers.

That will always remain key. Your level of service,

and how much you actually help.

9. Brand Equity vs Brand Expansion:

A single offer builds deeper brand equity -

But multiple offers let you expand your brand.

The question is, depth or breadth?

Diversify carefully and deliberately. Retaining quality.

10. Your Business, Your Rules:

The right choice ultimately depends on your goals.

Want to be known as the best in one niche?

One offer is your ticket.

Want to reach a broader audience?

Multiple offers may be the play.

11. So One, Many, Or Both?

Whether you stick to one, or an empire of options,

The key is to align with who you are, what your customers need, and where you want to go.

So, pick a path and best in all you are doing.

Whatever approach you decide to embark on.


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Michael Masters (@Info_Architect)

Helping you Master the Elements of Mindset, Coaching, Content Creation, Writing and Personal Branding.

By Bulletproofing Brains, Businesses and Bank Balances.


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