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The Master Elements Self Optimization Overview

The Master Elements Self Coaching Model:

Consists of 8 Core Sections:



-Role Models





-Emotional States

1. Beliefs

Our beliefs shape and influence every decision.

Whether about the world, or our potential within it.

Or even our own perception of what life means to us.

Alongside our values they contribute to our...

2. Identity

Who are we?

What makes us unique, and what do we align with?

These are all questions of Identity.

Influenced by our thoughts, feelings and experiences.

3. Role Models

We are who we hang around with.

The company we keep and the content we consume.

Both inspire us to act or think in certain ways.

When we take action and learn from others.

4. Objections/Solutions

The way we approach challenges is also key.

The distinction between focusing on problems -

Or potential solutions - makes all the difference.

The glass can be half full or half empty right ?

5. Questions We Ask Ourselves

And if we want a better answer -

We need to habituate asking better questions.

Solution focused ones, which spur action and -

Make us feel good. Happy, confident etc...

6. Reframe

And sometimes we need to bend and shape reality.

To what is most useful to us. Even in tough times.

The challenge is to do so in the midst of self -

Or societal doubt. A true superpower.

7. Rules

And the rules that we apply to our lives -

Limit and shape our actions as well.

Not just societies rules - but our own personal ones.

When X happens - this means Y to me...

8. Emotional States

And all of the above is what contributes -

To our overall emotional states:

Newsletter subscribers -

Can read the in depth exposition of the model this coming Monday.


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Michael Masters (@Info_Architect)

Helping you Master the Elements of Mindset, Coaching, Content Creation, Writing and Personal Branding.

By Bulletproofing Brains, Businesses and Bank Balances.


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