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The Secrets They Wont Teach You At Business School

I Ate Failure Like Desert...

But ended up full of success.

So can you.

Yet, 'making it' isn’t about talent, timing, or luck, but something far deeper...

There’s a truth most people are too scared to face, but if you dare to uncover it, everything changes.

Can you handle it?


The Mirror Of Excuses

Picture this: A man stands naked and vulnerable in front of the mirror…

Actually, scrap that, he is fully clothed.

(I don’t want my account to get banned 😉)

But he is standing in front of a mirror, repeating the same story he has told himself many times before.

Frustrated and dreaming of a better future.

Of Freedom.

And yep. At one point in my life.

That man was actually me...

But I learned that the doubt had to be defeated.

Once and for all. So it can never harm or affect us.

In order to learn how to win.

And I did it.

What many thought I couldn't, or wouldn't or even shouldn't...

Sometimes the people closest to us push us towards the 'security' of a job.

But a job will leave you 'Just Over Broke' and spiritually unfulfilled in many circumstances.

Mastery Method: Self Knowledge is the key. 🔑

In one form or another it is always self limiting beliefs holding us back.

And then it comes down to skills and action.

But there are other 'secrets' that you won't find taught at Business School.

Remove self-doubt, and focus on solutions.

They aren't all created equally...

And that is exactly what we are going to talk about today...

As one of my most influential mentors stated in his seminal work (Tony Robbins) says,

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”

And it has certainly echoed as truth in my own life.

I have never been the smartest, the best looking or the most 'lucky.'

But I have always made a point of being the most dedicated person I know.

And its the actions that move the levers effectively that demand and require our full attention:

But in order to do so effectively, I need to be honest with you as well about what stops people every bit as much...


The Universal Tale of "Failures"

Every 'failure' tells it to themselves at one point or another…

It's a story filled with "could haves," "should haves," and "if onlys."

Of frustration, of lamentation and of self pity.

Mastery Method: But it is a story that doesn't need to have an unhappy ending...

If you commit to learn from every single setback.

Analyze, identify what went wrong, and use those insights to refine your strategy.

“Fail fast, learn faster.”

Turn failures into opportunities.


Plausible Deniability: The Safe Haven of the Fearful

It's the story of plausible deniability.

The tale we tell when things don’t go our way.

Convincing ourselves and others that failure was inevitable because, of course, we never stood a chance in the first place.

Or circumstances conspired against us.

Or a million other reasons or justifications why we didn’t just do it like Nike.

Mastery Method: Take full ownership of your results. Stop blaming external factors.

As Gary Vaynerchuk advises, “The moment you take full responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you can change anything in your life.”

Control the narrative, control the outcome.

But that on its own is not nearly enough...


Imagine a World Without Excuses

But what if there was a world without excuses?

Well, there is: Mine.

Would you like to come inside it?

Mastery Method: Adopt a no-excuses mindset. In every aspect of out business, this means being relentless in pursuing leads and optimizing strategies.

Zig Ziglar famously said, “You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Just start, no excuses.

But before you do, there is something even more important that you need to attend to first...


The Open Invitation:

Ok. I might let you…

Everybody is welcome, IF they have the right mindset.

Or are ready to learn exactly what that needs to be.

Mastery Method: Filter your audience to find those who are truly ready to engage.

But you have to sell yourself on the idea initially!

As marketing guru Philip Kotler puts it, “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits them and sells itself.”

Focus on those who align with your message.

But make the message so dang compelling that it excites you enough to push through the challenges.

The tests will be numerous.

But must be welcomed with open arms...


The Dirty Little Secret Most Won't Tell You

And here’s a little secret that most Coaches, Marketers or Teachers won’t tell you.

Because many of them want to sugarcoat the truth and upsell you a hundred more ‘products’ or ‘courses.’

Not all of them, obviously.

But put it this way:


Why Some People Hold Back Information

-A Restaurant can’t sell you any more food if you’re full up.

-Coca-Cola can’t sell you a beverage if you’re not thirsty.

-And success Coaches can’t sell you a dream if you've surpassed every one of yours already.

Mastery Method: Give your audience real value upfront. Don’t hold back on the good stuff.

This builds trust and makes them more likely to invest in your premium offerings. Not less !

As Jay Baer says, “Content is fire; social media is gasoline.” Set your content ablaze with value.

And always give every bit as much as you are looking to 'get.'


The Stakes: My Commitment to Your Success


(the bad ones, that is)

Me? Lol. You have seen how hard I work on 𝕏.

So let me assure you, on the very rare occasions these days when I do take on a Client…

Just imagine how hard I work to make people's success my business.

And for those who Follow me here already.

I made it my mission to provide free content detailing everything that I wish I had been shown when I first began all those years ago.

So on with the show:

Mastery Method: Make your customer’s success your mission. Provide personalized support that shows you’re invested in their growth.

Simon Sinek teaches, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”

Let your commitment be your ‘why.’

People buy people.


The Truth Successful People Confront

And out of the (literally) hundreds of people I have worked with and leveled up over the years, the ones that did the ‘best,’ or in better terms, achieved the most;

Confronted, recognized, and accepted a harsh and bitter truth early on in the process…

Mastery Method: Face hard truths early.

In marketing, this means identifying weaknesses in your strategy before launching.

“What gets measured gets managed,” said Peter Drucker.

Be proactive in evaluating and refining your approach.

And it is the self doubt that will stop you.


Ready for the Big Reveal?

So are you ready for the reality, the secret, the big reveal?

Here it comes…

Mastery Method: Build suspense in your campaigns. Tease the benefits and create anticipation.


Steve Jobs was a master of this: “People don't know what they want until you show it to them.” Make them eager to see what’s next.

The exceed every one of their expectations.


Excuses: The Saboteur of Your Potential

What if I told you that every so-called "valid" excuse you've ever concocted is nothing more than a creative way to sabotage your own potential?

And that winners NEVER do that.

Shock horror. (Mumbled rationalization and some words that I can’t print)

Mastery Method: Eliminate excuses from your marketing efforts.

Focus on solutions, not obstacles.

As Grant Cardone says, “Your greatness is limited only by the investments you make in yourself.” Invest in overcoming barriers.


Burn the Boats: The Only Path to Success

Because if you burn the boats so retreat or surrender is not an option, it is the only possible option.

You WILL make it.

You will have to.

BUT you may also have to learn some new skills along the way.

And that means in order to get different results, you are going to need to do things differently than you have ever done before.

Mastery Method: Commit fully to your marketing campaigns.

Test, iterate, and double down on what works. “The best way to predict the future is to create it,” said Peter Drucker.

Don’t leave room for retreat; commit to success.

And commit to being a lifelong learner.


Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

You need to:

-Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

-And refuse to let anything stop you. The end.

(but not really)

Mastery Method: Push beyond your comfort zone. In marketing, try new strategies or platforms you’ve avoided. Seth Godin says, “If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.”

Growth happens in discomfort.


The Story of Ned: A Lesson in Responsibility

I want to share with you the story of Ned.

And how one man's refusal to take responsibility kept him from achieving his dreams, and how you can avoid the same fate.

His name has been changed.

Who calls anybody Ned nowadays apart from a Farmer naming a Horse?


The Business That Never Was

The Case of the Missed Boat

Our protagonist, ‘Ned’ had a grand vision.

He wanted to start a business. He had the perfect idea, a revolutionary product that would make him the next big thing.

But Ned never did start that business.

Why? He was too late.

(Or so he told himself.)


The Real Story: The Opportunity Was Always There

In reality, Ned wasn’t too late; he was too scared.

Fear of failure, fear of competition, fear of the unknown, these were the real culprits.

He hid behind the excuse of market saturation because it was easier than admitting he didn't have the guts to go for it.

Or the encouragement from somebody who could guide him and who had walked that path before…


My Own Journey: From Blame to Action

I took this approach once when I first failed.

I blamed the market, I blamed the products

(it was a sales-based business)

I blamed my distractions, the bills, and even the British Weather.

I was deluded enough to convince myself that Seasonal Affective Disorder was a ‘thing.’ Good lord…

But I shook myself out of it and was that person looking directly into the mirror.

Of my own soul.


Success Is Not a Straight Line: Embrace the Journey

And even amidst many consequent failures…

(Yea, it's not all been Rainbows and Roses and National Awards for me either)

I promised myself I would broker no excuses and, in the words of Fifty Cent, get rich (and free) or die trying.

And I'm still here, aren't I?

(and hint. I’m not broke)


The Winners’ Mindset: Timing Isn't Everything

So just imagine if the world's greatest marketers, or coaches, or content creators among us had taken Ned’s approach.

Or if I had given up prematurely.

Or if you had listened to the self-doubt.

What do you mean you still are? Uh-uh.

I told you excuses are banned, finished, finito.

Ok, that's better.


The Truth About Success: It's All About Differentiation

The ‘winners’ understand that timing might be crucial, but it's not the end-all-be-all.

'The true essence of success lies in differentiation, persistence, personality and the ability to adapt.'

Read that line above again...

They (and I) knew that the market isn’t "too saturated"

it just needs a new approach.

I wrote my own coaching model.

Created a consultancy career, and became a commercial writer.

What are you going to do?


Success Awaits: Boldness Over Perfection

Success is simply waiting for someone with a fresh perspective and the willingness to outwork everyone else.

Hello! Nice to meet you.


Ned’s Lesson: A Warning Against Waiting

If you wait for the perfect moment, you'll spend your life watching others live your dream.

Success favors the bold, not the perfectly timed.

The end. For now...

(or maybe just the beginning)

Yours, 💘

Michael Masters - The Info Architect


Follow Mike Masters on 𝕏 for Daily Short and Long-Form Content:

Michael Masters (@Info_Architect)

Helping you Master the Elements of Mindset, Coaching, Content Creation, Writing and Personal Branding.

By Bulletproofing Brains, Businesses and Bank Balances.


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