If you know already, exactly what you want; Great!
And todays feature length extract from part of my Master Elements Coaching model will help add even greater clarity to that vision. But if you don’t quite know what you want yet, or are stuck in your thinking, if you feel lost and lacking direction, then fear not. Rest assured this will get to you to where you need to focus on too.
Within this one I am touching upon a number of subjects taken from and inspired by one of my Master Elements Modules which forms the nucleolus of emotional state management within my coaching framework.
And why do we need emotional focus? It is of course the linchpin that holds and binds every one of our actions congruently.
And after all, our emotions effect the very quality of every other aspect of our lives.
And maybe you might be suffering emotional pain from the situations or experiences that you are going through, or have been through, or might even be imagining that could happen in the future? Perhaps you have been worrying about how things will turn out among the uncertainty’s that lay ahead of us?
We are about to arm ourselves extensively throughout these Articles in order to level up our coping strategies until we have ingrained the habitual focus to shift how we feel almost instantaneously.
In order to begin this process in the strongest way possible I must respectfully request that you allow for but three basic presumptions, suppositions which, if you agree to, we will carry with us and refer back to throughout the entirety of all the questions, in all of the Articles and extracts ahead.
These fundamental assumptions will help take you to a place in your mind where you will be better primed for your strongest answers to be discovered.
Not only discovered actually, but to be revealed and then to be examined in a way that I am certain many of you have never done before, so a lot of people consequently have never experienced the type of level and of depth that we are about to go to.
Welcome to the journey.
Because the answers are there. We just need the right questions, the right keys to unlock them, and sometimes they are locked up pretty damn intricately. But these keys can unlock the doors of the mind expertly and extensively.
Of course, we all wish to desire to experience positive, healthy and useful emotional states. So the first of our three assumptions will simply be that whether or not we are currently clear on whatever it is that we do desire to have, do or become, the commonality between everybody is, still, and always will be, that in one way or another we all desire to experience ‘our best day yet.’
Whatever that would entail and consist of for us emotionally as an individual. Not practically. Not materialistically, or not crossing off activities from your bucket list, but what you would actually FEEL if this was really to turn out to be your best day yet. The ‘what’ in terms of fulfilling the ‘material experience’ for want of a better way of putting it will come later in the process as will the exact ‘how.’
This leads us to our second assumption, which is most simply stated as agreeing to focus on working towards being: ‘Your best, authentic, happiest most successful self.’
The third and final assumption will require a small leap of faith until it has been tested and proven by you.
Because if we are to consider the core of the model itself is based around the fundamental principle that; ‘There is no state, that the Elements cannot help to strengthen or to create.’
Then our final assumption will be just that. So, which of the Elements needs strengthening?
You will find that at least one or more of them almost certainly does.
The Ten Master Emotional Elements:
Love, Gratitude, Positivity, Joy, Flow, Growth, Determination, Intent/Focus, Health/Relaxation and Adding Value.
And each and every one of the above are powerful in their own right. However it is of course your own individual answers that will enable you to actually create your bespoke action plan based on your own self elicited needs and responses. The amount of action that you take and the consequent results you obtain will of course vary.
These emotions wrap around the Master Elements and orbit them. Each one contributes to their cumulative overall effectiveness. They can be used singularly or linked together in any order. Though they are by far most potent when combined and the entire process is followed step by step.
Effective only when thinking prompts are responded to with thoughtful, open responses and with total, even brutal honesty. Only then will you get the most from them. Otherwise you are only lying to yourself.
None of this will work though without one vital ingredient…
Taking action whilst remaining flexible in your approach to challenges.
Because like it or not, change and challenge are always coming and will always be just around the corner. But it is how we react that will create the essence of our true character.
We must learn to evolve in order to solve. To elevate our minds, our emotions and our actions in order to out-grow our fears.
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
‘Every choice, every thought, every action, every word, every story, every emotion, every choice, every status update, every post you’ve ever made, every test you have never revised for, every deadline you have missed, every time you have lied to yourself or to others. Failed to make effort, let someone down, been lazy, grumbled about a problem rather than focusing on raising your standards.
Every time you have ever thought about changing but didn’t or wouldn’t. Or gave up. That has led you to right here at this very moment and has made you who exactly you are.’
But so has every success, every effort, every time you were kind to yourself or others, every time that you were grateful, every time that you laughed. Every time you followed through.
Every time that you tried harder, every time that you cared. Every time that you revised that little bit harder, every time you pushed yourself and with every positive thought, feeling or action you have ever experienced. It has all also made you exactly who you are today too.
Maybe you love every single element about yourself. That’s great! But maybe you don’t love absolutely every single aspect of who you currently are, who you have been, or who you are not, either.
Whether it is your appearance, your life in general, the feelings you sometimes experience, the doubt, the choices you have made, or the things that have happened to you. Or even the things that you are afraid that could happen.
Maybe you aren’t proud of some of your results or your behavior. That’s ok too. The past doesn’t have to equal the future. We can always change and level up the bits we do like. You are about to learn how to do exactly that.
Every one of us has the power and the potential to choose to upgrade or focus on areas of our life that we want, or feel we need to get better at. This doesn’t have to be scary, or horrible. Actually it can be incredibly empowering. But it does start with admitting to ourselves that something needs to change.
First we need to be clear on exactly what that actually is. Then we need to take the appropriate actions to attain it.
So until next time friends, think on what we have spoken about here today, and i very much look forward to connecting with you all again soon.
In the meantime, stay positive, stay focused and stay building.
Michael Masters - The Info Architect
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