Three Underlying Suppositions
Welcome again everybody, and in this 5th episode in our bite sized but super powerful mini series, I am going to spend a little bit of time here explaining the three key suppositions behind my very own Coaching Model - The Master Elements further.
And every system or process that we cover throughout the series is designed to enable you to benefit individually, either to fortify your mindset for success, or as a framework to use to keep you on the right path towards the success that you desire and deserve.
And as with most of what is useful in this life, you will also find that when these suppositions are combined, they become exponentially more powerful when used in combination. Lets GO !
So there are three suppositions in the Elements model that we need to remain open minded to if we want to maximize the capacity for it to work most effectively for us.
The first is that irrespective of whatever it might actually mean to us materialistically, individually we will decide to remain emotionally committed in working towards the realization of experiencing our ‘best day yet.’
Which essentially equates to in simplest terms; Feeling good, achieving our potential, evolving as a person and eliminating fear.
As it is always the fear on some level which becomes the barrier to holding people back from having the confidence needed to take action and to succeed. (Alongside the skills and consistency without saying)
And how do we do that exactly? Well it all begins by knowing what it is that makes us happy and turning our entire attention towards it.
And that sometimes also means holding the bigger picture of our goals within our mind very strongly as well. After all the individual steps are not always easy, and even not always enjoyable. But keeping our eyes on the prize so to speak is always enough to get us through.
The second supposition is all about cultivating a solution focused mindset. Its all too easy to get swept away in the ever changing winds of life.
But one thing that I have realized, is by virtue of spending 90% of our time focusing on solutions, and only 10% on the problems themselves, that is often the very thing that will propel us to discover or to recognize the answers.
And the the second of the suppositions in the model is that we will work towards accomplishing this by a core ethos of mine which is what i ask my self each and every day upon waking and every time that I am stuck.
If you take nothing else from this today, may it bring you all that you deserve - and is the single most powerful statement that I have ever found in order to crystallize and sum up what is often most useful for me to focus on. And here it is:
To focus on the process rather than only just the outcomes of being our;
‘Best, authentic, happiest and most successful selves.’
And if we do that my friends, we will rarely ever go far wrong in this life.
The third and final supposition in the Elements model is the underlying principle, which supposes, that with enough emotional intensity and focus:
'There is no useful emotional state that focusing on one or more of the Master Emotional States cannot help to strengthen or to create.'
And i really do believe that.
We spoke about the Master Emotional States yesterday. You can find the full version of that thread still on my page.
For anybody who missed it I have listed them here again for you as a reminder of a refresher:
Health and Relaxation
Adding Value
Each and every one of them can instantly change our thoughts and our focus simply by putting our minds on feeling them with sufficient emotional intensity.
In latter episodes we shall continue to expand and expound upon solidifying each of them through a series of Coaching questions and exercises.
I do hope that you have gained value in this information and look forward ti connecting with you again soon.
Until next time friends, stay positive, stay focused and stay building.
Michael Masters - The Info Architect
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Helping you Master the Elements of Mindset, Coaching, Content Creation, Writing and Personal Branding.
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