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We Are Who We Hang Around With...

Every young person wants to make it BIG.

But I can tell if you are likely to be successful...


Just show me your five closest friends.


Back in the days they were not the type of people you would ever want to be.

My future prospects back then? Lower than the Limbo.


Years ago;

I had to break away from my so called friends.

We were up to all sorts of things. That never end well.

You see - my life was heading in a downhill direction...

R-A-P-I-D-L-Y -

But I did what had to be done, and cut them off - snip!

So some words of wisdom from somebody wiser now:

Its not just your reputation at stake. Its social osmosis!

We end up speaking like them, thinking like them, and acting the way that they do. Its human nature after all.

Now I surround myself with positive peeps.

My Fam, my Tribe and my Mastermind Group.

Ah ! Life is good.

We are who we hang around with.

Im a Coach, Consultant, Copywriter and keen to help !

And you can also easily become like who you Follow...

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