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What We Focus On We Will Find…

Are you familiar with the concept of the RAS, Reticular Activating System?

It was popularised many years ago in Anthony Robbins seminal work ‘Awaken the Giant within.’

Its a powerful concept that gained traction, then got ‘Hollywood-ised'


You may have also heard of another more commercially slanted version of this through Rhonda Byrnes movie and book ‘The Secret.’ 📚🎬

But the reality of what it actually is and how we can use our 'RAS,' is far more compelling and powerful than simply ‘thinking ourselves rich (or happy for that matter). 💭💰😊

The notion is that the RAS, highlights a powerful tool in our brains that filters information and tells us what to notice. 🧠🔍

And we absolutely have to employ filtering to avoid information overload in this world of continual media messages and so many choices to focus on at any one time. 🌐📲

And it works in the following way… When we set a goal or focus on something specific, our RAS makes it a part of our conscious awareness. 🎯👁️

In everything from noticing and seizing business opportunities to content creation ideation, harnessing our 'RAS' can lead to remarkable results - or can also drag our focus away from what is actually important. 💼💡

We can use this concept to help propel us positively forward. Here is how we do it... 🚀💪

Essentially, by defining clear objectives and consistently visualizing success, our brains start to recognize opportunities and solutions that align with our goals. 📝✨

Robbins’ insight encourages us to "wake up" and direct our attention purposefully, turning our aspirations into reality through focused awareness and intentional action. ⏰🌟

I utilized and evolved this concept myself as part of my Master Elements model. 🧩💡

The classic example to see this and feel it working in action is the next time you are out, try not to notice any red cars. 🚗🔴

(You will of course now be looking out for and spot far more of them now) 👀

This life is all a matter of directed focus and appropriate, concerted action. 🌟➡️🎯

By honing and creating a clear vision of what we want, we are not only able to spot opportunities more effectively but by default we will also be filtering out the extraneous. 🌈


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Michael Masters (@Info_Architect)

Helping you Master the Elements of Mindset, Coaching, Content Creation, Writing and Personal Branding.

By Bulletproofing Brains, Businesses and Bank Balances.


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