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Why I Hate Cats (Well This One Anyway)

Are You A Cat Person or A Dog Person?

(You might already know how I feel about Dogs)

So imagine the joy in my heart when I was asked to babysit my friends cute little Feline friend.

'Of course' I eagerly replied, imagining cuddles and fluffy, happy times.

I was VERY wrong !

Dont Be A Pussy...

And how hard could it be?

I chuckled to myself. (Not having ever looked after a Cat before in my life.)

As i bid my friend farewell on his way to the Airport, he turned around and did what I can only now call a 'Columbo' on me...

'Oh there is one more thing'

'Yes?' I asked, thinking this was evidently a case of him just having last minute thoughts to express around which one of Tibbles very favorite toys he preferred...

'Well we have left a full list of instructions for you.'

(Instructions - i thought, its a Cat not a bloody supercomputer) But I told him not to worry and that he just needed to have a good time whilst he was away.

My friend then turned around and grabbed me firmly by the collar, a look of feverish seriousness crossing his face in a flash of almost thunder like intensity.

It took me quite aback...

'The medicine...You must not forget to give him the Medicine!'

What the dang? This was all turning into a bit of a nightmare and I hadn't even seen the bloody Cat yet...

'Yes, its a pill that he has to take three times a day but he wont eat it if you put it in his food.'

'Oh.' I said. Thinking that its a twenty minute round trip three times a day that I had just signed up for and was now going to cost me both money and time doing so...

'And thats not all.' Said my friend.


'He also needs you to pop it in his mouth and then clamp it shut until he swallows it. He might struggle a little bit too.'

Clamp it shut...This was beginning to sound more like a nightmare than a dream for me. But still i was unperturbed.

'Err, ok.' I said.

Now to cut a long story short - Tibbles - or Trevor to give him his actual name; ended up turning out to be very much stronger than he actually looked...

And the 'instructions' my friend was referring to ended up reading more like a health and safety risk assessment than any kind of 'checklist.'

I approached this innocent looking bundle of fluff only to find I was met with the ferocity of something I can only describe as having the heart of a Lion and the ferocity of a Terror Dog out of Ghostbusters.

God dang, it was like trying to pin down a WWE wrestler. This little bastard was ferocious!

I still remember wrestling on the floor covered in more welts and scratches from that frikkin cat than a fight with sixteen soldiers and builder mate.

But i got the pill down the little blighters throat in the end. And im not ashamed to say that I did derive a somewhat warped sense of both pleasure and relief when i finally managed to clamp his chomping jaws tightly shut !

And the moral of the story. (apart from always ask to read the instructions first) is that no matter how daunting the task, determination and resilience will get you through. Whether you're a coach, a writer, or a content creator, challenges are inevitable, and sometimes, they come with claws and fangs. 🐱💪

Just like my unexpected wrestling match with Tibbles, you'll face moments that test your patience and strength. But remember, every scratch and setback is a lesson. Each struggle shapes your journey and makes your eventual success even sweeter.

So, embrace the unexpected, roll with the punches (or the cat scratches), and never back down. The road to mastery is paved with perseverance.

Keep pushing forward, stay curious, and always be ready for the next adventure—whether it's writing the perfect paragraph, coaching a difficult client, or, yes, giving a cat its medicine.


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